Where Dreams
Come True

Collaborate for excellence with WIRTUAL

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Why Team Up With Us?

We thrive on innovation and a shared mission to spread wellness to people around the world. We aim to make a healthier lifestyle more accessible and easier to achieve.

If you're committed to making a significant global impact on people's health, let's team up. When collaborators who share the same vision come together, we can turn concepts into reality and make a difference.

How Can We Impact the World?

By teaming up with WIRTUAL, we'll collaborate to promote healthier lifestyles through our application. Let's also explore the opportunity to drive a significant positive change in people’s health.

Partnership Opportunities

WIRTUAL's exceptional services unlock limitless partnership opportunities for your organization.


Craft your custom challenge to amplify your brand's presence among WIRTUALERS. Tailor your challenge across more than 6 activity types. Dive into a playground of creativity, unlocking new avenues for marketing innovation.

Connected with

Partner with $WIRTUAL, our native cryptocurrency that rewards users after exercising. Seamlessly integrate with $WIRTUAL to offer customers exclusive deals.

Innovation Product
for Business

Empower your business using WIRTUAL. Collaborate with us to develop groundbreaking products that make global impact. Additionally, let us guide you into the world of technology, making your initial steps seamless.

Virtual Clothes

We can design virtual clothes aligned with your brand, promoted by Emily, our AI influencer. Alternatively, you can offer these virtual Clothes as rewards for users.

Connected with

Partner with WIRTUAL to uncover new opportunities for your customers. Regardless of your industry, we can collaborate and utilize WIRTUAL's features to enhance customer satisfaction.

API for Business

WIRTUAL API opens doors to endless possibilities, enabling you to drive business growth and customer engagement. Partner with us to take advantage of the technology and drive your business into the future.

Together in Success

Join our partnership and explore new opportunities

Send Us a Message

We are a company based in Bangkok, and we will get back to you as quickly as we can during our office hours 9:00 - 18:00 UTC+7. We will respond to you via email with further details and to set up a meeting.
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Experience the Future of Exercise!

Download WIRTUAL Now and Your Fitness Journey Will Never Be the Same.

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